Thursday 13 January 2011

About Jean

Law of Attraction Meditations for Expanding Consciousness

I have throughout most of my life been a Creative. I have always found so much joy and a deep sense of home with everything creative; even from a young age I would sit for hours making things, sewing, drawing, painting, always encouraged by loving parents who saw that I had a gift early on.  I have always had a deep sense of knowing that I am here to express myself and about 7 years ago my hobby became my dream job, I became an Artist. Being an Artist has been a journey of learning for me, discovering about myself every step of the way, whether it be to conquer a fear or to push myself to my limits, very often ‘getting out of my comfort zone’, I have grown and evolved into the person ‘I am becoming’. My Art career has literally transformed my life.

I discovered the Law of Attraction about 3 years ago and started applying it’s principles in my life with eagerness, naivity and complete enthusiasm. I started to see things happening, positive changes, opportunities came my way for my art business, I enjoyed fantastic results,  I was riding high,  achieving success far beyond I’d ever imagined. And in recent years I’ve discovered that my creativity didn’t stop at just painting, I discovered I have a talent for chanelling the higher realms in the form of meditations and writings which I share freely with ALL through my YouTube channel, the Wellness Experiment. This was an inspired idea in that I wanted to help others discover and learn how to apply the Law of Attraction in their lives. I have literally been bowled over by the response I’ve had from people who regularly use my meditation videos; people from all walks of life, from all over our beautiful planet email me with words of gratitude and appreciation for the work I am continuing to do. I feel I have found my niche in helping others, fulfilling a need within me that has, for quite sometime desired true and clear expression in physical form.

As I follow my own journey, from my own experience, I know that it is more important than ever before for us to connect to our Heart Energy, as when we live through our hearts we are connecting with our true essence, our higher selves. This Heart Energy is our guiding light, our constant companion in life and when we follow our Hearts we experience true Joy. I know deep in MY heart that as light beings in human form we are here to experience Love and express this Love through Joy in physical form.

My meditations have evolved as have I, in that they are very much more now focused on helping others to connect with that eternal energy that is the Heart Energy, that all-knowing ever present Wisdom. It is my intention to help those who are seeking to Discover, Harness and Own their own unique Power and truly create the lives that they so desire, their Hearts Desire.

With Heartfelt Love & Smiles


Wednesday 12 January 2011

Law of Attraction Meditations

Law of Attraction Meditations

We are living in a time of big big change on our beautiful planet and moving into a New Earth where we are becoming increasingly conscious of who we truly are,  Powerful Creators of our own reality.  All the old systems that used to support us are not quite hitting the mark anymore and more and more of us are looking for something more, looking for a better way of life, a deeper meaning to our lives, to live the life of our dreams and to live our Hearts Desires.

Through my own journey of self discovery I have used various tools to enrich my life with the ultimate goal to experience more joy. The biggest transformation for me has been my discovery of the Law of Attraction. My journey with the Law of Attraction started about 3 years ago and I can honestly say I have not looked back. I have been utterly amazed and delighted at how I have become to realise that I CAN truly create the life that I desire, the career that I desire,  the home, the relationships, all of it………and through my own growth I want to help others to grow and expand their consciousness too; this was the main reason for my starting the Wellness Experiment on YouTube, which was an inspired idea whereby one day I had this amazing, powerfully strong inspiration to create meditations based on the Law of Attraction - I just knew that this is what I wanted to do to help others, it was my way of expressing myself for the greater good of others. The whole experience has been one of joy and expansion for me. The feedback and personal emails that I’ve received from people from all over the world have touched me deeply and it’s my intention to continue to share my gifts in this way.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Law of Attraction Meditations

Law of Attraction Meditations

Welcom to my blog New Earth Alignment. We are living in a time of big big change on our beautiful planet and moving into a New Earth where we are becoming increasingly conscious of who we truly are,  Powerful Creators of our own reality.  All the old systems that used to support us are not quite hitting the mark anymore and more and more of us are looking for something more, looking for a better way of life, a deeper meaning to our lives, to live the life of our dreams and to live our Hearts Desires. By applying the Universal Law of Attraction in our lives we may achieve this and more.